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Continuous Improvement

Sourcing and Procurement industry has come a long way in last 20 years. From Cost to Demand to Value and now it's Innovation. Continuous Improvements refers to building upon existing strengths to continue to improve the Contract's sourcing capabilities; to address areas for improvement that are causing problems with performance, morale, satisfaction, or other aspects of Contract management and proactively partnering with Service Provider to better the end-user experience and increase overall value.

Audit Report


Our CSAs will audit Continuous Improvement (CI) within your Contract;

  • Workforce Effectiveness
    • Effective Onboarding (Time Elapsed, Pre-Training, Client Business Understanding)
    • Technical Training (% workforce)
    • Resources with Certifications (% plus workforce)
    • Resource Turnover (less than X% per annum)
    • PO Fulfillment
    • Workforce Competency (Skills, Knowledge, and Experience)
  • Productivity Improvement
    • Pre-transition and Post-Transition
    • Number of Projects Delivered
    • Rework Effort Percentage
  • Continuous Improvement in SLAs, User Satisfaction Levels and the overall approach
  • Cost Optimization
    • Cost Avoidance and Cost Savings

Audit Execution

For client companies that are currently not engaged in Continuous Improvement (CI) our CSAs will suggest industry standard frameworks that are most suitable to your Contract. In the event that your Contract already has some language in place to hold Service Providers accountable for Continuous Improvement (CI) then our CSAs will recommend improvement areas.
In addition, CSAs will work with you in;

  • Complete Analysis of Workforce Effectiveness and Productivity Improvement.
  • Incorporation of 'Continuous Improvement' in Contract.
  • Quantification of Cost Optimization and Total Savings.
  • Innovation in Processes and Functions.
  • Predictable SLAs and Service Provider CSLs